Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dinner at Cuppage Pasta Festa

Daddy with me

Irene jie jie with me

Clayton and his Daddy

Gennie jie jie

Rest time

Look at Amelia, she is able to turn from sideways to facing down!!! But one of her arm still got stuck under her body... Guess by no time she is able to flip successfully.

When Daddy is watching soccer, look at Amelia she is so interested in watching too.

Amelia having a afternoon nap... so many bolster accompanying her... comfortable....

Saturday, February 21, 2009





Thursday, February 19, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Natalie's birthday

Look at the birthday girl smiling...

Little cousin Jarren

Family picture

This is our first family picture....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Still..... trying to

Mummy noticed i was making alot of noise on the rocker, she didnt help me but instead took out the camera and snap a few shots of me trying to flip around... Still cant manage to flip!!! Errrrrrr!!!!

My new toy

Check out my new toy!!! Its a Winnie the Pooh bowling set!!!
But its suitable for 18mths onwards, gotta wait a while....sob....

Our First Valentine's Day...

Yesterday was our first Valentine's Day!!!
Daddy brought sirlion steak and whip up a wonderful dinner.
Although mummy say its alittle salty kekeke....

Mummy and me!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chinese New Year visiting

During Chinese New Year we visited Encik Lim's place for steamboat.
Amelia met so many little friends.

Here's the foto of Darius and the Ang Family!!!!
Looks like one of us right???

Here's the foto of all the mummys and their baby!!!!
Mummy & Amelia / Daisy & Darius / Siling & Clayton

This is how our little angel fall asleep in warm arms...
So cuteeeeeee

Monday, February 9, 2009


早上Amelia 睡得不安稳,就试试让她趴着睡。她还是胎儿时在子宫内就是腹部朝内,背部朝外的蜷曲姿势,这种姿势是最自然的自我保护姿势,所以宝宝趴睡时更有安全感,容易睡得熟,不易惊醒,有利于她神经系统的发育.趴睡还能使她抬头挺胸,锻炼颈部,胸部,背部及四肢等大肌肉群,促进她肌肉张力的发展.趴睡还能防止因胃部食物倒流到食道及口中引发的呕吐及窒息,消除胀气。 但是晚上我还是不敢让她趴着睡。晚上我们都睡得很沉,不容易观察她,很容易引起窒息,等4个月后会翻身 了再说。

This morning Amelia was sleeping uncomfortably so we tried to let her lie facing down to sleep... Look at her sleeping so deeply... Woooo



Today Amelia tried to FLIP by herself! haha but was unsuccessful... only half way...she need a little push to flip over... Guess in no time she is able to do it all by herself...


Sunday, February 8, 2009

New headband






Daddy's first bath for me alone!!!!

Today daddy bath me alone all by himself and i never cry at all!!!!
Good job daddy......