After a few days from Amelia's birthday, she is showing signs of understanding some of the things we do or speak. Day 5 after her birthday, Amelia is able to stand without supporting and moving her tiny feet one little step then she fell. 2 days later we left her on the bed and all of a sudden she is able to walk from one side of the bed to another!!! The following day we placed her on the floor and encourage her to walk towards us and she did it! She is able to walk a distance of about 10 steps before reaching out for our hands!
This few days we played some
nursery rhymes on the internet to hoax her to drink her milk, so whenever the music comes on she will be attracted to the sound, stare at the monitor, clapping her hands and twisting her upper body from left to right.. heehee so cute...
Amelia also knows how to kiss mummy on the cheek, sometimes she will give a loud "smuck"!!! but it depends on her mood to do it, same goes for friend kiss... heehee
Amelia is also slowly beginning to be closer to me. This afternoon i managed to make her fall asleep in my arms!(Usually she is very particular when she wants to sleep, she only wants her mummy). When she woke up she will laze on bed crawling around my body and lying down in between my legs or between my arms and body. Last time Amelia likes to remove my spectacles and play with it, but nowadays when she remove it she will make a cheeky face and help me put it on again.
So adorable and yet can be so mischievous at times. She never fails to gain our attention and love!