Having buffet dinner in Centerpoint Hotel...
Enjoying her buffet....
Amelia enjoying the Live band in the restaurant.
Amelia hair is getting longer till we are able to tie little ponytails... Look cutier!!!
Hairband.... and more to come....
Amelia running outside our house... We seldom bring her out as the weather is very hot, only just before we go out for dinner or when the sun is setting then we will let her run around.
I guess her teeth are growing soon as whatever she grab, she will place it in her mouth.
Look at her teary eyes.... We refuse to let her suck her fingers she got angry and cried!!!
Amelia playing in our room...
Running around in the hall!!!
Reading story books... She love to see the pictures in the stories books and will make sounds like Erh....Ooo...Hei... Sometimes she will pull your hand asking you to read for her.
Running around in the Japanese Restaurant.
Playing with the rocker Grannie bought for her.
Playing with the swing we bought for her.
Outside the cinema, taking photos with the posters.
Jollybee figurine.
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